Record, rate, review and actually remember your life experiences instantly and forever!Document and protect your personal stories as they happen, don't wait until you get home when the memories are hazy and unclear.
Emojo collects your daily mood rating by asking one simple question – How are you today? Provide your answer on a sliding scale of 0% (terrible) to 100% (incredible). Enter multiple times daily. Create detailed journal entries and narratives, with photos, to document your day’s events.
Emojo is the only app that has the ability to quantify your mood and link it back to your journal entries. Enter key search terms to discover your average mood rating every time that term is mentioned, answer questions like: - Are you satisfied with #Sam? - Do you really like studying #psychology at school? - How do you feel on the days you #workout? - Are you fulfilled at #work?
View your personal calendar to reflect on your days, weeks, months or years. Track patterns and discover which day of the week you enjoy most.
Keep the intimate details of your life private with the help of your password protected account.
Your journal entries are private, but you can share your mood ratings and searches using Social Media any time you desire.